Security at Templafy

Templafy’s security-first approach ensures the strongest privacy and security standards, with optimized controls and processes across everything we do

We’re committed to continually raising Templafy’s security posture by complying with the highest security standards. We do this to strengthen the resilience of the organization and the solution against an evolving landscape.

Ellen Benaim
Ellen Benaim
Chief Information Security Officer, Templafy

Templafy is powered by enterprise-grade security. We're trusted by 800+ enterprises to meet and exceed industry standards and deliver security across every part of our platform

Application security

Periodic penetration tests and continuous scanning for vulnerabilities on our code following a Secure Development Lifecycle methodology


Data is backed up continuously on Microsoft Azure. These backups are encrypted and data retention rules apply

Business continuity & disaster recovery

Templafy is deployed redundantly in primary and secondary Microsoft Azure data centers. Disaster recovery testing is carried out regularly

Data security

Data encrypted both at rest and in transit, and stored in Microsoft Azure data centers in either Europe, the USA, Australia or Canada. Data retention defined and implemented for customer data

Identity & access management

Accessed through SSO or email authentication. Templafy implements role-based access control and access to the platform is logged

Incident management

An Incident Management Policy with defined processes, roles, communications, responsibilities and procedures for detection, escalation, and response to internal and external incidents

Organizational security

Templafy has a specific Information Security department managed by the CISO. All employees are trained on security topics and pre-employment background checks are carried out

Physical security

Microsoft Azure is responsible for the physical security of their data center sites, while physical controls are implemented across our office locations


Templafy maintains policies, standards and procedures for privacy. Please see our privacy FAQ page for more details about privacy in Templafy services.

Security-first mindset

Templafy is a security-first organization with an unwavering commitment to privacy, security, and compliance in all aspects of our product and organization.

To learn more about Templafy and how our platform operates from a technical perspective, take a look at our full selection of articles.

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