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Press Release: Templafy Partners with IntelligenceBank

COPENHAGEN / MELBOURNE – (23 October, 2018)— Today, Templafy, a brand governance and productivity platform for enterprise business communications based in Copenhagen, New York and Berlin, announced a partnership with IntelligenceBank, an Australian digital asset management and marketing operations platform.

Head in the clouds? The on-premise software vs. cloud debate

It’s easy to forget that there is still a role – and likely will be in the future – for on-premise IT infrastructure. The traditional method of downloading or installing software on a computer or server is certainly more time and resource consuming compared to SaaS’s direct software delivery via the internet – to name but one limitation. However, there are some valuable aspects to on-premise that still hold up despite all that the cloud offers. In this article, we’re going to look at on-premise, SaaS cloud, and hybrid solutions for document creation and template management and investigate the value of each.

Cloud computing graphic

What is user provisioning?

User provisioning is perhaps a lesser-known yet time and money-saving business-wide strategy, with benefits including boosting brand integrity to increasing collaboration in the workforce. Sounds great, right? But, what is user provisioning and how does it really impact businesses?

A graphic of a lock lit up with different clouds around it. each cloud represents a feature

CMO, CTO or CIO: Who’s responsible for content management strategies

Rewind to the 90s and office politics around enterprise technology were simple. Technology was the remit of the IT department, just as customer experience – from the brand to communications, was the work of a CMO. Meaning, if the marketing team needed tech to support their activities they’d go to the CIO who would then get the software they needed and ensure it was fully compatible with the company’s existing infrastructure.

Business people talking to each other

What our new U.S. office means for Templafy Partners

As we like to say, “Templafy plays well with others”. We do this to give Templafy customers the best experience possible, that’s why we partner with best-of-class businesses that provide complementary document creation and compliance governance solutions for documents, presentations and emails.

A man with glasses and a beard smiling

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