Instant and company-wide content distribution
Make every document on-brand and legally compliant with connected business content.
Always serve the latest version
Distribute real-time updates through one centralized platform, complete with metadata.
Seamless integrations
Employees get easy access to approved assets from within the tools they already use.
From creation to activation
Create a secure and efficient workflow including document creation, collaborative editing, signing, distribution, and storage,
Don’t let your hard work go to waste
- Centralized distribution of company templates, business content, and technology. Company-wide or optimized for teams.
- With Templafy it’s easy to maintain and distribute business content so that everyone stays on brand and legally compliant.
- Employees get automatic access to the latest templates and approved assets from within the tools they already use — no need to jump between windows.
- Even better, once the setup is complete, there is no need to involve IT with content requests.
Learn more about Internal Content Distribution. Book a demo to get a full introduction to the most powerful internal content distribution tool on the market.
- Seamless integrations. Keep working with the tools you already use. No need to jump between windows.
- IT-Free Technology. Once setup is complete, all updates can be managed by content owners.
- Enterprise-level Security. Hosted in Microsoft Azure, we adhere to the highest levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
- Full content governance. Templafy's content enablement platform helps you deliver connected content faster and easier than ever before.