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6 key features of an outstanding presentation deck

Whether you’re presenting quarterly results or rolling out a new project, your presentation deck should help you to bring your message across. It should make your presentation more engaging and help your audience understand your message. It should absolutely not take away from your message or distract.

A woman giving a presentation to people

Office 365 Productivity: How Microsoft’s cloud is changing your game

In today’s world of mobile working, the tagline of enterprise cloud solutions seems to revolve around three pivotal factors – business transformation, lower IT costs and employee productivity. Amidst the past few years of cloud hype, however, it has become increasingly difficult to extricate the hard facts from the haze around the fair bit of cloud computing buzzwords and decipher the real value of cloud-based Office 365 productivity tools in the workplace.

A row of white chairs with one blue chair that stands out

Microsoft Delve & Graph: Personalized Search & Discovery in Office 365

Whether it is in our personal life with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email, you name it, or at work with a variety of social feeds, intranet portals, blogs, email and more – in today’s information-loaded world of cloud-based networking, we are constantly challenged to pool the volume of information that is coming at us through a vast number of channels. And more often than not, we struggle to break through the content clutter and comb out which kind of information is of relevance to us in order to master our daily activities.

A woman looking through binoculars

Are you a digital have, or a digital have-more?

It’s clear that in a digitalized age, simply having digitized processes isn’t enough. Analogue workplaces have now become a thing of the past – only seen in TV and movies. So it would be hard to expect to stand out simply by automating your workflow in line with everybody else in your industry.

A lit lightbulb

Positive work cultures work harder

Organizational psychologists have long been touting the benefits of fostering positive workplaces, but some companies still uphold cut-throat, high-pressure environments in the belief that it’s the best way to whip employees into shape and deliver results. In reality, it’s sometimes the best way to push employees towards burnout.

People sitting in a room with someone giving a presentation

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